Iim Halimatusa’diyah

Dr Iim Halimatusa’diyah is a Visiting Fellow in the Regional Social and Cultural Studies Programme ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute, a Senior Lecturer at Islamic State University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah, and a Deputy Director for Research at the Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) UIN Jakarta.

Articles by Iim Halimatusa’diyah (4)

Indonesia’s Youth and Political Inequality: How Neo-Traditionalism Hinders Women in Politics

Iim Halimatusa’diyah

Indonesia has a steep climb towards the recognition that women can play an equal part in the country’s politics, especially as its youth are not immune to outdated ideas about gender roles.

Will Better-Informed Indonesian Youth Vote for Dynastic Politicians?

Iim Halimatusa’diyah|Yoes C. Kenawas|Fikri Fahrul Faiz

Political dynasties are prevalent in Indonesia and many new democracies, with regressive effects, but recent research finds that Indonesian university students are averse to political dynasties. Critical and well-informed youth can be agents of change in strengthening democracy.

For example, Kitabisa (“We can”), a leading online donation platform established by Indonesian youth in 2013, facilitates online fundraising and donations.

Ringfencing the Islamic Cause? Muslim Youth and Philanthropy in Indonesia

Iim Halimatusa’diyah

Indonesians are top in the world for charitable giving. However, one recent survey suggests that young Muslim donors might be more inclined to give to their fellow Muslims than to any other type of cause.

Politicised Religion and Indonesia’s Youth: Time to Overhaul Identity Politics

Iim Halimatusa’diyah

Indonesian leaders have committed to refrain from politicising religion in the upcoming February 2024 elections, but political incentives and social forces continue to propagate identity politics, especially among the youth. More must be done to curb the politicisation of religion and educate the youth about its harmful consequences.