Fishermen tidy up their nets at Hagu Teungah beach, in Lhokseumawe. For

Sovereignty, Security and Prosperity: Indonesia and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea

Aristyo Rizka Darmawan

The passage of UNCLOS (1982) was a diplomatic and existential success story for Indonesia, the world’s largest archipelagic state. However, new challenges in maritime law have arisen in the 40 years since the Convention’s passage and action must be taken to ensure its continued relevance to Indonesia and the world.

How to Solve the South China Sea Disputes

Bill Hayton

This Long Read argues that Southeast Asian states have an interest in recognising each other’s de facto occupation of specific features and then presenting a united position to China. The historical evidence of physical acts of administration suggests that, with some important exceptions, the current occupiers of each feature have the best claim to sovereignty over it.